Prayer for the Beatification of our Founder
God our Father, your servant Joseph De Piro
gave witness to the faith
by his service to the poor and his missionary zeal.
May his loyalty to Christ and the Church,
his love for Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God,
his benevolence towards the orphaned
and his constant aspiration to evangelize the world,
give guidance to the Christian people today.
We beg you to grant the favour we are asking you
through his intercession
so that his holiness may be recognized by all
and the Church may proclaim him a Saint.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Paulist Prayers
Heavenly Father,
through your Holy Spirit you inspired Joseph De Piro to gather around him missionaries full of enthusiasm to preach the Good News of your Son among people who lacked messengers of the Gospel.
As we thank you for your faithfulness with our Society throughout the years, we ask you to continue filling us, Paulist Missionaries, with your Spirit so that in communion, we continue to carry on the mission entrusted to us.
Inspire courageous young men and women to offer their lives for this ministry, so that the Gospel of your Son may reach the ends of the earth. We also ask you to encourage young people to explore religious vocations with the MSSP.
Reward all relatives, benefactors and friends who share in this ministry of evangelisation with your abundant blessings.
We make our prayer through the intercession of Mary Assumed into heaven and the Apostle Paul, through Christ our Lord, whose Gospel we preach.
God of mercy and friend of the poor,
you taught the whole world
through the preaching of the Apostle Paul,
give us the same courageous missionary spirit
as we reach out to our brothers and sisters in need,
so that like him and your servant Joseph De Piro,
we too may be witnesses to your truth in the world.
God of mission grant us your blessing
as we live out our ministry of bringing the good news
of your Son Jesus Christ to your people.
We pray for all in the Paulist family,
through Jesus Christ our friend and companion
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.